Monday, December 8, 2008

Finished: "Well of Echoes"

Follow-up for Ian Irvine: maybe I was a bit premature to say that he doesn't torture his characters enough.

The mental and emotional growth still isn't as well done as Hobb does. Example of excellence: Malta in the Liveship trilogy. In the beginning you think she's just a spoiled teenager, then you hate her, then, gradually, you start liking her. And it's not like her general "agenda" has changed dramatically, she's still opinionated, vain and out for what SHE wants. But what she wants slowly starts to overlap with what is good rather than what is not so much.

Now, back to Diana Gabaldon, last one so far if I don't count the Lord John Grey novels. and she's almost* done with the next one.

*"almost" means that there's a name for the book and she has large chunks already being edited. She's still writing though.

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